

  • Sete Warrior

    October 1, 2013 | Posted By: | blog: film link · infraction 9 · Live Performance · News |

    Sete Warrior Live Performance

    Photography by Roland-von-der-Emden and Yau Wen

    3 Hours Lipsticks, sete traditional water jousting shield and jousting pole, white French girl’s outfit @Sete, Infr’action,14.09.2013 My uncle used to call me the Don Quixote. I was excited to discover the famous sport in Sete: Water Jousting and noticed it’s a game for boys only. I covered my body with red lipsticks to create an image of a very feminine modern water jousting warrior. During the three hours performance I began unexpectedly crying.



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    Balls of Steel_Live Performance

    October 3, 2012 | Posted By: | Live Performance · News |

    Balls of Steel

    Live Performance, 4 hours

    Photography by Jamie Baker

    04.10. 2012 @ Blackall Studios

    People always say that I have balls. I am a tiny Chinese girl, hair doesn’t even grow much on me. But apparently I have balls. Big heavy balls. The empire of china cut off the male servant’s balls so he remains the only man in the Forbidding City; Priest cut off the choir boy’s balls so they have better sweeter voice. My balls are my thoughts, my balls are my emotions, my balls are my baggage of memory, my ball are filled with air, my balls are light as feather… Ball of steel… Come to tingle my rusty bell, I will sing for you, I will tell you a story…

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