

  • Momo 默墨 – Silent Ink

    November 9, 2024 | Posted By: | Art Protest · body-politics |

    About this event

    A specially commissioned performance by Xie Rong (aka Echo Morgan), who draws on autobiography to share thought-provoking narratives through body, gesture, and voice, interwoven with classical Chinese aesthetics.

    Momo 默墨 – Silent Ink draws inspiration from Jizi’s cosmic ink paintings and his struggles as a young man navigating political and historical turmoil, reflecting the silence of generational trauma and evoking today’s forbidden Heaven Songs from Afghanistan.

    Portrait of Echo Morgan with veil

    Renowned musicians Wang Beibei and Dr Cheng Yu will perform live with Xie Rong, standing in solidarity with Afghan women’s unimaginable realities, embodying the call from within the burqa. 

    Fragmented sounds from the Silk Road, contributed by Uyghur musician Shohret Nur, Turkish double-neck baglama player Ozan Baysal, Afghan drumming recorded by Elizabeth Nott, and Kazakh kui by Sabine Masters, weave into a powerful soundscape composed by Wang Beibei, echoing Rong’s own childhood struggles and amplifying the silenced voices and songs of freedom.

    This performance reimagines ink as a vessel for the female voice, exploring the search for refuge in cosmic energies and the healing found through shared, broken silences. Here, the live performance becomes a journey into communal resilience, uncovering solace and strength within the collective voice.

    How to attend

    This is a free event open to the public. Join us at the SOAS Gallery, Lower Ground Floor, on Friday, 15 November 2024, from 5:00pm – 6:00pm. 

    No tickets required

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    October 10, 2022 | Posted By: | blog: film link · body-politics · Eco Art · Live Performance |

    Anatomy of Posidonia
    Live Performance, Ibiza
    Video by Philemon Mukarno

    Action painting 
    Spirulina chlorophyll powder and Sea water on paper
    2.75×11 Meter 

    Hair, the wild and abstract body movement seems always connected with the subject of femininity and freedom. A source of power that also signifies vulnerability and subservience.  

    This hair painting illustrates a microscopic images of fertilised Posidonia seed with eggs. At 100,000 years old, Posidonia is the oldest and largest living organism in the world; It’s one of the greatest sources of oxygen in the Mediterranean, with each square metre of plant generating between 4 and 20 litres of oxygen per day. These meadows serve as a home to more than 400 plant species and 1,000 animal species. Much loved and protected by local community but ignored by commercial developers and tourists, I wish to highlight the beauty, power and endangerment of this precious and magic plant! 

    Performed in front of the monument: Vara Del Rey ( A Spanish war hero was born in Ibiza in 1841 and died in Cuba 1898, during the Spanish-American War). I was provoking the concept of his heroic status. Is he also a hero in the eye’s Cubans? The Chinese political criminal, Noble Peace prize winner and democracy activist Liu Xiao Bo wrote: “Scepter’s Terracotta Army. Amazed entire world. A tombs that are more majestic than the palace. Our long history. Relying on the emperor’s grave to show off glory. “ 

    Perhaps it’s time to focus and celebrate all other species than glorifying colonialism rulers! This performance was also inspired by a local Catalan feminist funk band: Pussydonia.

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