

  • Nowness China

    May 9, 2024 | Posted By: | Art Protest · News · Press · reviews |

    Along the Adriatic coastline, from the Arsenal to the Giardini, walking towards the sunset, you can see gatherings and performance art everywhere. “Hope…,” “Kite…,” “Love…,” a few Chinese words waft intermittently from nearby. Approaching a crowd of dozens by the bridge, we see people sitting in the front row, with a Chinese woman dressed in white at the center. Her hair is tied up in a bun, and the word “Freedom” is written in blue paint on her face. She is telling the story of a child in wartime: “She is searching for her father who disappeared in the flames of war,” “She hasn’t had the chance to say goodbye to anyone,” “Look at this kite, the one you made for me…” From her words, we piece together the keywords “Hope” and “Love,” and discover that these two words are not rare in Venice.

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