

  • Kensington Palace Press

    September 10, 2010 | Posted By: | Exhibitions · Press |
    Echo Morgan in ‘Dress of the World’

    Enchanted Palace‘ exhibition at Kensington Palace has  attracted widespread praise. Exploring the lives of the seven princesses who once resided there through ingenious installations in the state rooms, the exhibition will have you wandering spellbound through the palace and will make you look at the lives of these historical figures in a completely different light. Although it features big names such as Vivienne Westwood and William Tempest, other artists, such as Echo Morgan, have also made fascinating contributions which mark them as the potential future stars of London’s art and fashion scene. We were recently lucky enough to be able to talk to Echo about her role in the exhibition, which is open until January 2012, and she has also kindly provided a printable guide to her ‘cabinet of curiosities’ which you can take with you when you go to the palace. — Londonlist Interview

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