

  • ?结?

    June 27, 2022 | Posted By: | Art Protest · blog: film link · body-politics · Live Performance · News |


    Chinese Knot, chapter one:

    Become “Little Plum Blossom”

    Our names are not Jane Doe. 

    An alias is our last defence. 

    Sensational title on the society page, photos with mosaic cover our eyes … 

    In the past 6 months, a mother of eight children locked up in an iron chain has captivated the attention of many people in and outside of China. It is beyond a tragic human trafficking case.

    There are many twists and turns in the narrative. After huge public outrage authorities in China’s Xuzhou city issued 5 statements and named Chained Mother as “Xiaohuamei: “ Little Plum Blossom – a woman was sold three times from south-western Yunnan province to Feng county. But is she truly her?

    Can DNA being fake? Can identify be swap?Can 1.4 billion people save one woman?Can the internet hottest topic break the censorship wall? When is the systematic structure of rape fall? Is this horrific tragedy only happens in China? Are we truly protected in so-call more civilized city? Religion, morality, tradition, custom, politics and law, why everything over powering a woman’s choice roar! 

    Silenced, Jailed, Disappeared…

    Delete, Remove, Forget …

    Opening act at The Non-fungible Body performance Festival, Linz, Austria

    Directed by Alfred Weidinger 

    Curated by Freda Fiala and River Lin

    4 hours body painting Captured by Jamie Baker

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