She/Her and M(other)in Mexico
The IV Chinese Artists Video Festival and its Cuernavaca-Kunming program on Facultad Artes Uaem on the 8th of Nov. Curated and talk by Elizabeth Ross.
The IV Chinese Artists Video Festival and its Cuernavaca-Kunming program on Facultad Artes Uaem on the 8th of Nov. Curated and talk by Elizabeth Ross.
Betsy Damon’s feminist performances and eco-justice collaborations in the U.S. and China
Session The Radical Outdoors: Betsy Damon’s feminist performances and eco-justice collaborations in the U.S. and China
Chairs: Monika Fabijanska, Independent Art Historian and Curator
Dr. Christine A. Filippone, Millersville University
2022 College Art Association Annual Conference
Friday, March 4, 2022, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM (online only)
Monika Fabijanska, Independent Curator
Out In the Open: Betsy Damon’s Street Performances and Transnational Social Practice
Petra Poelzl, Independent Researcher, Vienna, Austria
The reception and impact of Betsy Damon’s Keepers of the Waters in China (1995) and Tibet (1996)
Dr. Christina Filippone, Millersville University, US
From Social Justice to Eco-Justice: Feminist Collaboration in the Work of Betsy Damon
Rong Xie, Independent Artist, London UK
A Journey with Water: Betsy Damon in China