
artist’s body

  • Tightrope

    August 8, 2013 | Posted By: | News |

    Opening: 5th September 6-9pm with performance by Echo Morgan

    Exhibition runs: 6th September to 17th September 2013 / 11am – 6pm (Tuesday to Friday) / 12 – 5pm (Saturday)

    Sumarria Lunn Gallery

    36 South Molton Lane
    London W1K 5AB

    Takming Chuang, Echo Morgan, Emily Speed and Hanae Utamura: Tightrope Curated by Kate Pantling, Tightrope brings together the work of four international emerging artists Takming Chuang, Echo Morgan, Emily Speed and Hanae Utamura.The artists share a performative approach to their practice, where a sense of harmony, dissonance and a raw energy are connecting threads. Each artist takes their own body as a starting point, orchestrating narratives that explore the impact of encounters with materials, environments and cultures. Their work is personal, particular and often intimate but speaks to broader political and cultural concerns.By approaching their work from the context of performance, the artists bring a strong sense of dramatic tension to their artworks. Each of them embraces the visual impact of their interventions to create work that encapsulates a moment imbued with anticipation. They create projects that play across multiple mediums eluding easy categorisation and bringing dynamism and depth to the expression of their ideas.

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