Hologram Hope
Let it bring hope
Let it be a tale
My first hologram performance is to honour Dr. Refaat Alareer and his last poem, “If I Must Die,” which he wrote 5 days before he was killed with his brother, nephew, sister, and her three children. If you click this link from your mobile phone, you can view my performance hologram in your environment, Let’s tell his story together!
For the 60th Venice Art Biennale – 17.4.-24.11.2024 – the curator-duo Jonas Stampe and Xiao Ge. I am so grateful for the volumetric video cuption at wimbledoncollegeofart with incredible PHD research Terence Quinn and Chris Follows, Grzesiek Sedek, Jakob Taylor Black and Cory Allen from Scatter USA for sharing his personal grief of losing families to the bombing in Gaza.
#ceasefirenow #Gaza #Palestine #humanity #savepalestine #peace #body #gazagenocide #childern #death #occupation #war #violence #killing #end #genocide #freedom #famine #warcrimes #ifimustdie #refaatalareer #liveart #venicebiennale2024 #hologramart #digitalbody #performanceart #actionart #volumetricevideo
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